Friday 19 April 2024

April Forth and Clyde Area Group Meeting

The April meeting was attended by 10 members, in the form of Alisdair, Alistair, Alastair, James, Nigel, Andy, Simon, Graham, Stuart and Martin.

Work continued on Mearns Shed, with it's first trip out to the Perth Model Railway Show creeping ever closer, progress has continued at pace.  Alisdair had taken custody of the layout since the last meeting and had worked finalising the landform, and had ballasted the track, ready for the commencement of scenicing/further testing.

Alastair had brought along his first draft of the backscene.  The intention is to wait for the LED lighting to be added to the layout before finalising the backscene, but this shows the design intent!

Alisdair had also been working on some buildings for the layout, a newsagents that will sit at the top of the hill to draw the eyes away from the corner (not pictured), and the coaling stage.  This is seen below with a 1970s vintage Minitrix N Gauge Class 27, rewheeled to 2FS, being used as an overscale gauge of structures etc.

Alisdair based his model on a Highland Railway prototype, seen at Aviemore, with comments about representation and diversity on a layout that is mostly Caledonian in design.  He feverently denies any attempts to annoy Jim...

James continued work on the electronics that will control the layout - regular readers of the blog will know James is using a series of MERG kits to create a handset and base station for the layout, allowing DCC control.

Martin had brought along a tub of Vallejo European Mud, and spent a happy hour starting to colour and texture the landform.  This texture paint is something Martin usually uses on his 28mm scale (roughly 1/56th - 1/48th) wargaming projects, but was a relatively quick and easy way to provide a base layer to the landscape.  He has threatened to bring along other ground textures, flocks and static grasses next month to get some greenery on the board.

Graham had brought along his first compete test print of the engine shed.  This is a 3D printed model, which will, once painted, be fitted with etched windows of Jim's design.  The Building is based on the ex-Forfar shed, which is still in place, but sadly no-longer connected to the irons of any railway.

This photo shows the unpainted shed, posed in location next to the 3D printed Caledonian water cranes (thanks Alistair!) and behind a grounded van created by Richard from a plastic body available in Shop2.  The interior of the van is finely detailed with shelving and tools, all handcrafted by Richard.  This photo also shows the first layer of the ground cover.

Martin had taken a few test pieces of the shed away to try painting.  The first draft, sans-oil paint mortar wash or weathering, was well recieved.  Martin had based the painting on Google Earth views of the current state of Forfar shed, which is a bit more modern, and probably a bit more repaired than the shed would have been at the point it is being modelled.

Each of the lighter coloured bricks was picked out with a Kolinsky Sable 000 brush under optivisor maginification and passes muster from a usual viewing distance.  Graham, concerned for the amount of time it took to complete this, has proposed 3D printing a mask that can be placed over each section of the shed and airbrushed, or sponged to provide the lighter colours.  Watch this space.

Alisdair also took the time to show his Shark Brave Van, which may spend some time parked in the siding at the front of the layout.

This is an N Gauge Society kit, on a 2FS chassis.  Alisdair had filed back all the plastic moulded handrails and replaced them with wire, as well as narrowing the body of the van to make it closer to the true 1:152, rather than the 1:148ish of N Gauge.  Alisdair reports he'd also been working on some Stephen Harris Grampus wagons that will go nicely with this.  Painting isn't quite complete, Alisdair intends to rust up the ploughs.

Away from Mearns Shed, many of the other members were working hard at their own models.

Stuart had brought along his mill building and had set to work on adding roofing detail to some of the "secondary" buildings that make up the complex.

These are pre-coloured, pre-cut self-adhesive strips from York Modelmaking, laid from the bottom to the top of the roof to give the impression of slates and certainly look the part.  Stuart had brought along a number of reference books/photos and was asking for impressions on sky-lights and vents.  There was also a discussion about guttering and how to represent this in 2mm scale.

Simon continued working on the Signals and Telegraph infrastructure for Glenfinnan.  He had constructed a number of signals for the layout, including some Caledonian/NBR Stephens type drop-flap ground signals, which, even in 2FS include a dropping flap!

Nigel had brought along the start of a new controller, representing the brake and regulator for a steam locomotive, these components will be used on Cadhay Sidings, the exhibition layout often shown by the East of Scotland 4mm group - there is a driving position at the front of the layout.

Alistair had recieved a quanity of NB transfers for his 3D printed wagons and spent some time during the meeting applying these to his wagons

The transfers really do finish these wagons off wonderfully.

Finally, a cautionary tale of working in 2FS, titled "the carpet monster ate my component!"

The next meeting of the Forth and Clyde Area Group shall be Saturday 18th May - note the later than usual date, due to the Expo 2mm 2024, held in Derby (also open to non-members!).  We are a friendly bunch and welcome all comers, whether you're a visiting 2FS veteran from another area, someone who has just started their Finescale journey, and even, by invitation, someone considering getting into the Finest of Scales and want to see what we're all about.  Details are in the Association Newsletter which accompanies the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. As there is no convenient "like" option, I'm obliged to type something. Mearn's Shed is progressing well. Looking forward to seeing folk in Derby next month. Richard
