Alisdair gave a short talk on "wagons from plastic kits", starting with a look at the 2mmSA 1887 RCH kit and how it can be bashed into a number of interesting variants: he showed us a North British 3-plank and a Highland 5-plank wagon:
He also reminded us of the Buchanan Kits strapping etch designed for this wagon, which can be used to create the characteristic Scottish "cupboard door" mineral wagons:
The mouldings are rather thick in this kit and can be considerably improved by thinning them down with a large file, then scribing planking on the back:
More modern prototypes covered included BR 16-ton minerals: comparing the Association plastic kit with the Stephen Harris etched version, and the relative amount of time required for each:
One issue with plastic kits is the tendency for their sides to bow in (while the prototype tended to bow out after extended use). Alisdair counteracts this with a strip of Plasticard slightly wider than the wagon, inserted and left for a few weeks so the sides regain the correct shape. The Association Ministry of Works coal wagon kit was also discussed, with a warning that neither of the two etched chassis suggested for this moulding fit it well (see the instructions for 2-501c), and that careful work is required to make a convincing wagon.
While this was going on, Nigel, ever industrious, worked away at wagon wheel assembly:
Stephen had a Revolution Trains' Cargowaggon in 1:148 scale for us to admire. The printing is very fine:
After lunching on bacon rolls, we moved on to consider the business of the day. The objective was to do further work on Sauchenford's fiddle yards, cutting and fitting brass plates where required. This necessitated a fair bit of "planning": everyone had an opinion.
Our external assessor for the day, Mick Simpson from the North East Area Group, arrived in time to polish off the last bacon rolls and some cake. He showed us his party trick of making chocolate biscuits disappear:
He also dispensed much valuable advice regarding Electra couplings. He was able to watch Alisdair explaining finescale techniques to Alastair, who also works in 5-inch gauge live steam, and who'd come along for the first time to get some advice on the layout he's planning based on the original, pre-Forth-Bridge South Queensferry station. I think he'd expected 2FS to be more delicate:
Next month's meeting is likely to be in Lockerbie.