The first nice day of Spring... Alistair, Alastair, Alisdair, Jim, James, Jack, Andy, Graham, and new faces Justin and John were once more tempted out to the sylvan setting of ESME's Almondell club house to chew the 2mm fat after the recent Glasgow show. The presence of the memorable YORK 2mm layout led to much enthusiasm from visitors to the 2mmSA Further North roadshow. Mearns Shed was not there, due to lack of space on our stand, but we had a nice display of models nonetheless. Pictures of all this are on RMWeb here.
Not a little time was spend talking and eating.
James had been working on buildings for Mearns Shed, including a mockup of the view-blocker at the edge of the baseboard
He had also wheeled his 04 chassis and fitted a universal joint (from the Tramfabrik range).
Jack has been soldering up various MERG kits for a DCC master and controller, as well as his own design of level-crossing light flasher
Alisdair appeared to be absorbed in social issues. He did however have a copy of what appeared to be another finescale society's journal on his workbench. Clearly this was intended to flush out fifth columnists and other disloyal elements., so the rest of us affected a studied disinterest.
Alastair was occupied with computer modelling (as, it has to be admitted, were Graham and Jim).
The hours sped by, eventually the food, drink and talk were exhausted, and we went our separate ways for another month.
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